I’m so sick of trying to be ethical. [rant]
CW: rant, criticism of what’s commonly considered ethical in gamete donation.
I do care about being ethical. I really, really do care. And god knows I’ve tried. I’ve read the literature and listened to the podcasts and watched the tik-toks and done research into banks and talked extensively to prospective donors.
So I can I please just let loose for a minute and scream about how sick I am of worrying and fretting and trying to be the most ethical person who has ever shoved semen between their legs??
Straight people can get drunk at a bar and have a ONS and have a baby with someone they know nothing about and will never see again, but queer people have to be perfect! We have to choose the most expensive banks, because they’re the most ethical banks, and pay thousands and thousands of dollars to make sure we’re only getting the most ethically sourced (grass-fed free range) sperm with low family caps and sibling limits and identity disclosure. And if I don’t have thousands and thousands of dollars to spend on the most expensive banks because I’m a poor queer, I’m being unethical by choosing to risk trauma and baggage for my child.
Oh, but my first mistake was looking at banks in the first place! The actual most ethical option is a known donor! If I go with a bank, then I’m denying my child an essential lifelong relationship with their biological father! What about me, who never had or wanted a relationship with my biological father and grew up just fine? Fuck that, the ethical thing is what other people say is best for your child even if it’s not what’s best for your child.
And your known donor should ideally be related to you or your partner. But only in certain ways. If your known donor is, like, your dad or your nephew, that’s weird. Uh, I mean exploitative.
And you have to raise your child not to call the donor “my donor,” or their half-siblings “diblings.” It’s “biological father” and “siblings.” Because otherwise you’ll end up raising your child with the terribly mistaken and harmful idea that love is more important than blood relation when it comes to family.
I’m so fucking sick of it. It all just smacks to me of that brand of conservatism which says lesbians are damaging their children by not giving them a father-figure. It feels like another way of asserting that the best possible family looks like a cis man and a cis woman raising their biological children together, and anyone who deviates from that model is morally obligated to try to get as close to the mean as possible. FoR tHe SaKe Of ThE cHiLdReN!!!!11
And it’s just as bad for queer couples where there’s no uterus in sight. All the same handwringing about donated gametes with a fun splash of drama that WOMEN might CHOOSE to do SURROGACY with their BODIES for MONEY. And commodification of humanity and the primal wound and child trafficking and all sorts of other scary words that, for some reason, always seem to add up to mean that queer people harm their children just in bringing them into existence.
Can’t I just build my family in the way that’s best for me and my partner without the rest of the world butting in to offer their opinions on what we’re doing wrong? We’re not even pregnant yet, the shaming isn’t supposed to start until then.
Okay, now that that’s out of my system, back to the grind so I can save up money to make sure I don’t ruin my child’s life by unwittingly purchasing sperm from some asshole with a breeding fetish.