Is my puppy bored?

I have a 9 week old Labradoodle. We have had him for a couple of days and he’s been a great guy - so far. We almost have his routine down. However, for the past couple of days he will whine to get us to play with him or look at the door to our balcony. When he does the latter sometimes, it’s just to pee, sometimes it’s just to go out and gallop around; we can never tell. Right now we play with him in his wake windows - a total of 2 hours sprinkled throughout 24 hours. Lately he will whine when we leave his play pen. I don’t want to overstimulate him, but I don’t want him getting bored either. I rotate his toys out also so that he won’t get bored. Not sure what to do about his wanting to play/ whine for attention.