Punch Out alternatives

Since the announcement of the Switch 2 my fire for Punch Out has ignited again and I started searching for some alternatives, but unfortunately (and surprisingly) I haven't found much:

- "Big Boy Boxing" https://store.steampowered.com/app/1682630/Big_Boy_Boxing_Demo/ which looks nice, but I the characters don't have the same vibe and are too unrealistic for me.

- "Election Year Knockout" https://store.steampowered.com/app/1313310/Election_Year_Knockout/ seems like only something for NA players. Half of the presidents doesn't ring a bell for me :D I tried the mobile version, but it's an ad hell and the gameplay is quite bad.

- "Thunder Ray" https://store.steampowered.com/app/1944910/Thunder_Ray/ look kinda interesting, but again the characters are too unrealistic for me to enjoy it.

Anyone has other recommendations? Preferably on PC or console, but I'd take mobile as well.