i feel like i’m high and i’m really scarred
i started taking 10mg about 5 days ago. my only side effect until last night has been insomnia, and i started taking my normal melatonin again which helped. I’ve been getting around 3-5 hours every night which is better than nothing. it is now 8 am and last night was one of the scariest of my whole life. i started to fall asleep when suddenly my legs felt kind of off. i got up and i was hit with the exact same sensation i get when i smoke weed. i’ve only smoked weed twice ever because i get so anxious on it, but i feel exactly the same as i do then. that feeling like my body is lagging behind my brain, numbness in my limbs, nausea. i also have a weirdly dry mouth, my leg hasn’t stopped shaking for hours, and i’m extremely nauseous. my heart rate has been super high and it’s just over all one of the scariest and most unpleasant experiences i’ve ever had. it’s actually uncanny how much it feels like i’m just genuinely high, but worse because i don’t really know what’s causing it whereas with weed i can just sleep it off. i haven’t slept at all tonight and every time i try to i get a really high heart rate and cannot fall asleep for the life of me, so i’m sure the sleep deprivation is feeding into this cycle as well.
genuinely does anyone know how to make this stop?? i have never felt so scared and detached from reality & my own body.i hope this isn’t like permanent or anything. should i be going to the ER?
*typo in title it’s supposed to say scared lol