Feedback after 60h. Build 42 is opposite of QoL by the design. It is annoying at best for veterans, uninstall for newer players.

So I am sort of B41 newcomer with like 1k hours into PZ. I find standard B41 PZ quite an easy game once you get hold of controls and level up paranoia to 10. This is why I usually play with at least 30% sprinter pop, water goes bad, instant shutoff and grabby zombies to name some of difficulty mods. And my loot settings was always the lowest setting in sandbox... and it felt fine.

Now with build 42 there are a lot of things that does not make any sense even for more experienced player. I play with standard loot settings with 15% sprinters and grabby zombies. I feel like the B42 intend was to make the game as annoying as possible.

First of all literature and armor recipes. It's bad. Magazine armor requiring recipe? It is tedium, not difficulty. With numerous characters surviving for a week and my current char at second month with base at Muldraugh school I am yet to find a single Generator magazine. Another day I raided Muldraugh book store and it had 5 skill books in one shelf and 0 magazines, same with Fallas Lake bookstore. And this is with standard loot tables. 0 Generator magazines in 60 hours of gameplay. It is so bad that I am considering to use Electrician build over carpenter, since carpenter is just pure garbage with current game design.

TV nerf. Carpenter starts at level 3. Now it is useless profession when you play with electricity on at start. Anyone can level carpentry to level 3 with TV in a week, but carpenter literally get 0 starting advantage over any other profession due to TV nerf. TV nerf was necessary. But it was done at a cost of VHS removal and whole profession becoming useless. Hard cap is bad. Just XP nerf and balancing would have been better to avoid week 1 level 8 carpentry power leveling. Or better yet with increased amount of skills TV programming can be randomized with extra TV shows for different skills, carpentry at 12 can be just a relic of the past...

Unnecessary grind and separate skills. It is MMORPG design to be fair... To be realistic... well, it is idiotic for mostly single player game with hardcore permadeth. Separating woodworking and metalworking into 2 separate skills was unnecessary. Carving should not be a separate thing. Extra skills also dilutes book loot tables making even standard literature loot a joke. Removing disassembly XP is bad. Only reason why it was meta was the time/reward ratio. Now it will just shift to the next best thing, like spamming socks. Every action should reward XP, only XP amount should correlate to the time spent doing things.


- Nails are infinite when in backpack.

- Coffee maker use the whole coffee bag for 1 mug of coffee.

- Soda is super OP and broken. Chicken is worse than vegetables.

- Bread use the whole bag of flour.

- You can infinitely butcher rabbits from containers like a fridge.

- When making thread from rags it create 5% thread. When consolidated together it is destroyed.

- Screwdriver and Big Flashlight do not work properly when favorited. You cannot use them to replace battery or disassemble stuff.

- I cannot plumb sinks to rain collectors above on the roof, like it was a thing in B41. (maybe some bugs with everything situated on 2nd and 3rd floor)

Muscle Fatigue. Its ok. But! I play high strength (9-10) runner builds. With short blunt at level 3-4+ I can dispatch hundreds of zeds in a day. It is clear that for lower strength 0 weapon skill it is brutal, but I think it should be this way. It should enforce weapon skills and traits. Also punishment for carrying around fridges and constantly lunging 2.5 meter fences is something necessary. It was to easy in build 41.

Building and crafting menu + 4k UI. Even with "what I can craft" mod it still quite bad. Cooking is borderline broken with new liquid system. Context menu was better. A lot of things is so unclear, that I only realized that I can craft thread from rags with mod installed. Something like spin wheel menu should be a thing. Overlaying screen with huge build menu in a game about hardcore permadeth is bad. 4k UI is clearly not tested and broken for animal zones and liquid transfer system.

Propane and battery drain over time. Sorry but it is idiotic. Either it is a bug, or someone really think that draining propane tank or a battery in a week is ok. Now to store propane you need to have like array of BBQs. Batteries can be stored in shelved radios. System is unnecessary, broken, tedious and unrealistic.

On the opposite side, I think mappers have done really nice work and animals feels like a really nice addition to the game. Still enjoying B42 and feel like with proper balancing and UI design it can be really awesome in the future!