Prophet Muhammad's utter fascination and preoccupation with Jewish people

What explains this?

First, he migrated to a high Jewish population city called Yathrib. He then orders a change of name from an Arabic name to something else:

Medina, which is still called Yathrib in the Koran, was indeed a heavily Jewish city in Muhammad’s time. Its name in fact bears witness to this, because whereas “Yathrib” is a genuine Arabic name that can be found in old South Arabian inscriptions, “Medina” is not. It is a non-Arabic word that, while occurring in both Aramaic and Hebrew (accented on the middle syllable in the former and on the last syllable in the latter), almost certainly derives in this case from Aramaic.

The reason for this certainty is simple. The root of Aramaic-Hebrew medina is din, “law,” and medina in both languages denotes a place in which a given body of law or legal system is applied, i.e., an area of political jurisdiction. The difference is, however, that in Hebrew this area is a large one, while in Aramaic it is limited to a city. Thus, for example, in the book of Esther, which we read this week in synagogue in honor of Purim, the opening verse of the Hebrew text tells us that King Ahasuerus ruled over 127 medinas from India to Ethiopia — which the Targum, the canonical Jewish translation of the Bible into Aramaic, renders not as medinata, “cities,” but as pilkhin, “provinces.”


I am listening to a Yasir Qadhi lecture right now where he speaks of an authentic Hadith where the prophet, already established as a major religious and political leader in the newly renamed Medinah, is told of a Jewish youth about 13 years old who is in contact with Jinns and predicts the future.

The prophet then HIMSELF goes to the youth, surprising him while he is playing with the local kids, to inquire whether the child acknowledges him as the prophet of Allah, upon which he is told by the Jewish child he is the prophet not of the Jews but unlettered people, which Yasir Qadhi explains is an insult.

I am less concerned about the alleged insult than why this child (Safi Ibn Sayyad) is so important as to warrant a prophetic visit !