Most efficient way to capture thoughts
I have about 170 active clients I am managing. Throughout the day, and in the middle of the night, something clicks in my brain that I need to do something for one of them. Ideally, I would write down this thought or record a voice note to capture it so that I don't carry the stress of having to remember it or the risk of forgetting it. The problem is that in reality, I rarely do this. I have spurts where I attempt to use a new app or technique, but I encounter some bug or practical issue and give up. I need to figure this out.
Although I am not always at my computer, I always have my phone. At this point, I figure I should just get a simple app that'll give me the option of writing two or three word reminders, or recording a three or four second voice note, onto a single page. Once every day or two, I'll take that information and turn them into tasks for myself and my staff. I'm not worried about that second part. My goal is to find an app that's quick and easy to use to just store these thoughts throughout the day so that I stick with the practice.
I have a Galaxy S24. Maybe a simple app with a simple widget? If I have to do too much to get to it, I'm going to stop trying. I hate to say that, but I've learned that much about myself. Thanks in advance.