Words of encouragement from someone accepted to a top 25 MD with an "average" MCAT score (after retaking)

Hey everyone,

I wanted to offer some encouragement for those taking the MCAT for the first time or who are where I was two years ago - having to face the challenge of preparing for a retake.

I had a goal score of 516, but my first MCAT landed at 500. This was after studying for 7 months through the Altius prep course and averaging 511 on practice exams. When I took the MCAT a second time around 6 months later, I scored a 509.

Let me be clear. a 500 is NOT a bad score, a 509 is NOT a bad score, despite what many on this forum may say. This exam is challenging; this process is hard, don't listen to what some might say, and be easy on yourself. Anyway, despite scoring below my goal and being what many would consider "not competitive," I just received an acceptance from a top 25 MD school a couple of weeks ago!

The MCAT is just one piece of the puzzle. If your score isn't where you want it to be, that's not the end of the world. Look to compensate in other parts of your application. Make sure you have meaningful experiences - whether clinical, volunteering, or research - that you can genuinely speak about with passion.

Also, don't be afraid to get involved in things unrelated to medicine and science. Join a club in the arts, get into activism, pursue other interests. The best advice I got during undergrad came from my O-chem professor when I asked about adding a chemistry minor to my biopsychology major. He said, "Don't do that just for medical school. If you're passionate about chemistry, then sure, but med schools get plenty of science geeks. If you're trying to stand out, take some humanities or art classes. It might not directly apply to medicine, but you'll bring a different perspective than other applicants."

I didn't cure cancer, I don't even have published research, but I did explore opportunities to expand my understanding of others in various different fields.

Bottom line: The MCAT is important but it's not everything. If you can't score in the top 10%, that's okay - 90% of other applicants couldn't either. Focus on what makes you unique and look for other opportunities to make yourself stand out.

You've got this!

(If anyone would like to ask me questions on my extra curriculars or anything just message me!)