Dropping premed as a senior

I'm a senior now and I just finished physics 2. I ended up getting a B+ which is fine I guess but I have a lot of B+ in my prereqs which include chem 2, orgo 2, genetics, bio one and a C plus in chem 1. I have As and A- in bio 2, orgo 1, physics 1, and stats.

I guess it's fine but I'm pretty depressed nowadays because my gpa feels so average at a 3.7 cumulative And probably a sub 3.6 science gpa. The problem is I barely do anything else other than volunteer work. I don't feel smart enough and I don't think I'll do well on the MCAT at this point if my grades reflect that. I got diagnosed with ADHD mid college but even with meds I still don't feel like I'm doing well for my standards or even myself.

I wish I just stayed at my local university and not go to my flagship state. I'm broke and pretty depressed about my future post grad. All my friends are engineering majors and I honestly feel broke compared to them and other rich premeds. I'm just tired of everyone with better lives than me and have it figured out. Idk if I'm being dramatic or I should really consider quitting.