My wife's OB/GYN is giving questionable advice.

I went with my wife to her first OB/GYN appointment of the pregnancy today. The doctor said some things that didn't sound right, and my follow-up research has caused some concern that the doctor doesn't know what she's talking about.

While the doctor was talking about what my wife should and shouldn't eat, she told my wife that she should avoid carbohydrates completely. She particularly seemed focused on the potential of carbs causing weight gain in the mother as opposed to anything related to the health of the baby. To clarify, she said that any carbs at all were bad, and that bread, cereal, and any other carbs are to be avoided. This sounded wrong to me as I know that carbs are necessary for all humans, so I did some further research. According to several reputable sources including Johns Hopkins and the National Institute of Health, carbs are important to the development of the baby. From the NIH: "To support normal fetal growth and brain development, it is advised to consume an additional 35 g of carbohydrates per day during pregnancy". The only sources I found that said to avoid carbs were about avoiding weight gain during pregnancy.

It seems that what the doctor said had a lot more to do with vanity and appearances as opposed to prevailing medical science, which has led me to question whether or not she we need to make a change. Has anyone else heard anything like this, or does my wife need to find a new OB/GYN?

Edit: My wife does not have diabetes or any other medical conditions that would trigger a warning about sugar or carbs