water broke, contractions have started but are not consistent and 15-20 mins apart. called triage and they said come in RIGHT AWAY. why?

my providers (rotating) have told me this entire time to labor at home for as long as possible. the nurse in l&d gave me no reasoning but to come in right away. asked me no questions about the color, (clear) if I have contractions, etc, (which I do), and im trying to call again to see if I can get a different person on the phone because I think she was just busy and not helpful. when did you go after your water breaking? we have to wait on childcare (maybe 3 hrs) and this doesn't seem like emergency enough to call 911? my contractions are more than 15-20 minutes apart.

please don't be mean lmao, I am on hold with the operator now but I have gotten disconnected like four times already!!

edit: I went in as soon as we could! all is well but they did tell me I could have waited a little. I just didn’t want to lol