28 weeks is the worst
Okay, this will literally be my 3rd full-term pregnancy, and 28 weeks is just about the time I feel finished being pregnant. I have, probably, 9 weeks (my first two were born at 37 weeks +3/4) left to go. The flutter kicks are killing me though. He may actually be my most active baby yet.
I checked on my eldest a ton during my 3rd trimester. They barely moved during the day. My current youngest had a bit of a schedule. This one is a chaos gremlin. Up all night (from 9-9) and then plays during the day sometimes, too. I just want to sleep.
I know good practice for when I am at that stage again. I have a teenager and a tween, but my eldest ended up being a poor sleeper for a long time, and I am a little nervous to have a repeat of that. My husband is excited loves talking to my bump and playing with the baby when he moves, but I am exhausted.