Am I wrong for being so disturbed
I was touring a hospital with my husband today and somebody asked a question of when do the mothers ever get to sleep if they have to breast-feed every two hours and my husband turns and looks at me and says “if you need to get rest you can have my mom breast feed the baby while you sleep “
Mind you most of our arguments in our relationship have been about him not cutting the umbilical cord with his mother metaphorically speaking aka I think he loves her more then me and maybe should just have a baby with her. (he’s Hispanic if that matters ) and we live on the property with his family so I see her every day and I just can’t take it anymore. Like the comments are just idk …. Maybe I’m just being hormonal but it felt very off and I almost don’t want her to visit at the hospital … I have to go home to her anyways after .
I wanna scream DONT TOUCH MY BABY . But it’s his parents and his baby too ugh