Saving seats at commencement?

My grandma uses a walker and will need to use a wheelchair during commencement. Early mornings are also hard for her, so she is not able to get to the moda center right when it opens for guests at 8:15am. I reserved an accessible guest ticket for her, but they’ve made it pretty clear that seating is first come first served, so I don’t really know how the accessible ticket helps? My plan was to have my friends and family get there as early as possible (probably 8:15) to save an spot for my grandma in the ADA section, so that she could roll up at 9:30 and not have to be there so early. But, I just read in the receipt for my tickets that seat saving is not allowed. My friends would just be saving a seat for my grandma and mom to sit with her in the ADA section, so it’s not anything crazy like one person saving 15 seats, but I’m wondering if anyone has experience with having a guest at moda center commencement who needs an ADA seat/seat saving for that? Also, if anyone knows if the accessible guest ticket actually does anything?