Who is/was your first "crutch" pokemon? I *love* Paldean Tauros

One of the coolest parts of this game I'm enjoying is the collectathon aspect, catching pokemon and boosting their IV's. In the process of you catching new mons, have you come across one that you've started using as a "crutch," to get through the early game? When I started playing, technician meowth was a good carry that allowed me to make plenty of catches. That was when I encountered Paldean Tauros (fire) and my game changed forever. This guy starts with work up, allowing you to boost your attack early and make it through the first 20-40 levels with little effort. On top of that, P Tauros learns flame charge, allowing you to consistently get +3atk +2or3spd before every run. The upside to this is that Tauros will one shot most mons with tackle or double kick, the downside is that catching mons is a bit more difficult because lowering their HP is not an option, only death. For this reason, I've been doing a bunch of super fast Tauros runs to level 20, getting my eg vouchers, then dipping. What sort of crutch pokemon have you discovered, and what sort of strat do they have you running?