Could I have played this different?
Playing 1 billion / 2 billion with Warren Buffett. Hero has 80 billion stack; Buffett covers.
I look down at AA and bump it up UTG. Buffett 3bets and I flat to set the trap. Flop AAx, turn x, river x. We check both streets until the river, where I rip it all in and Buffett calls. I have quads and Buffett has nothing but a busted straight draw because he forgot the Professor folded it on fourth street. The dealer ships him the pot anyway. Everyone is confused until Buffett leans forward and whispers, "I can dodge bullets, baby!"
The waiter finally brings the White Russian I ordered and promptly spills it all over my new Yeezys. This was three weeks ago and they still smell like milk.
Anyone getting away from this spot? What could I have done differently?