Giveaway: 5IV Adamant Beast Ball Frigibax

Hi all, have roughly 50 Frigibax to give away thanks to shiny hunting taking forever. I will be trading, drop your LC! One per person please!

EDIT: Drop a comment letting me know your IGN and if you’re searching so I can ensure you receive one

EDIT 2: Slowed down a bit so if you want one and haven’t received one/want an extra, comment your IGN and LC and I’ll deliver!

EDIT 3: I vastly underestimated the number I have, NOW I have 50 left, keep ‘em coming!

EDIT 4: Alright everyone, if you didn’t post in here I’m all closed up! Saving some for people who did post and didn’t get one yet :) if you didn’t get one this time, don’t worry! I’m still hunting for that shiny so I’ll probably have another giveaway soon. Thank you everyone for your patience!