What are some Pokémon who get/got a lot of hate and you just don't understand why?

For me, it's Delphox, Aromatisse, and Popplio.

For some reason, Delphox has a reputation as the worst starter Pokémon of all time, and it doesn't deserve it at all. Delphox in my opinion has an incredible design, and it has an amazing typing to boot. Granted, I'm biased since Fennekin and it's evolutions are my favorite Pokémon of all time, but still

For Aromatisse, I'm once again biased since I grew up with the XY anime, which made gen 6 my favorite generation. But even so, I just never understood the hate it got. It has a great design, and think the hate came from fans having their expectations for Spritzee's evolution set too high.

Now Popplio. Poor Popplio... Back when the Alola starters were first revealed, the internet tore Popplio to shreds. Can someone please explain why? Popplio is beyond adorable, and to me it has one of the best starter designs to date, not to mention how amazing Brionne and Primarina are as well. It makes me wonder if the backstory of how Lana met her Popplio in the anime was in response to the fans.