40 hour player rates recoil patch/possible improvements

The recoil pattern wasn't the problem it was aimcone/damage falloff balancing making beaming with mp5/thompson meta. bullet speed or damage falloff should have just been reduced to make effective range lower without introducing aim cone. and scripters but that's something you cant really do much about. making beaming long range not meta would make scripting less effective just like making recoil really ez only it wouldn't make the recoil super un satisfying. if you get "beamed" from 25m who cares if they are scripting or not. at 100m your bullets would do less damage or just be so slow it doesn't matter if you are scripting they will have heaps of time to take cover or whatever. I would also buff bullet speed / falloff for all snipers and sar but also make hazy 25% so it always gets crunched by bolty regardless of range. nobody ever roams roadsign because is only a little better than hazy which is 1 slot and almost as good. places where you need hazy should be contested areas where you are forced to b weak or take rads so ttk is faster and camping is discouraged. legit just hire me to balance game perfectly its so annoying