RustBot PSA

Im am sorry to anyone who’s discord(s) was affected by RustBot deleting all their channels in the server. I take full responsibility for this. This happened because I uploaded my bot to GitHub and accidently leaked the bot key, someone got ahold of it and ran malicious code using my bot.

This is a good lesson to learn from my mistakes. PLEASE CHECK THE PERMISSIONS YOU GIVE YOUR BOTS IN YOUR DISCORD SERVER. If you added RustBot from or from my reddit posts the permisions it has is reading messages and sending messages. If you then added the RustBot to a bot role in your discord and it had administrative permissions in it you probably were effected by this.

I am sorry for the people effected. This will not happen again.


Edit: Yes it is safe to add to your discord server now I changed the bot key.

Edit 2: I appreciate everyone's support for this bump in the road. :)