Centrelink and SafeWA

I just went to Centrelink/Medicare to sort something with my wife. She had an appointment and arrived first. I came in and was told I needed to provide details. I said I’m happy to sign in using SafeWA. They told me they don’t use it and I had to still provide my details. I told them that’s fine, I’ll just leave. The person then said I still had to provide details. I left and no one stopped me. This kinda crazy that they are not using SafeWA and are collecting the data some other way. How is this happening?

Edit: Seems like they can do what they like but they did not have a paper method or have a method to sign in before entering the building. This seems like a massive oversight and is a kind of entrapment. Which again begs why they don’t want to use SafeWA? Any other venue I enter does not know who I am when using SafeWA it keeps the sign in relationship between me and the State government when needed.