I don’t know what to do about retirement
I'm way behind. I'm 35 and I only have $7k in my Roth, because I only started this year.
I plan to put another $7k or whatever the new max is as long as I can.
But I know that probably won't ever be enough to retire on in 30 years. I'm not somebody that ever goes on trips or cruises or spends lots of money though.
I only make about $60-65k a year. I'm hoping to start a 401k next year, and put ehogh into it for a 3% match, but I probably won't have enough left to do that and max the IRA after I hopefully buy a house in the future.
I'm not sure what else to do. I do have a nest egg saved for now, but most of that is going to go into the down payment and closing costs most likely.
I'm expecting the house payment to still be at least $1200 a month and likely go up every year due to tax and insurance.
After all necessities, I'd only have around $850 a month if the mortgage was $1200.
Which would mean at BEST case I'd have $9600 a year to put toward retirement if all went well. Which is with NO non essential spending at all.
I just don't think I can afford a home and save enough to ever retire on.