I cried over OWC2024 Grand Finals.
This is probably gonna turn into a copypasta but honestly idgaf.
It's so fucking dumb (or maybe not), but honestly there's a thing with osu! tournaments such as OWC which hold a special place in my heart. South Korea was up against United States 6-4, and are headed towards finally breaking USA's long streak. I was really rooting for them, and was hoping they'd pick either NM1 or NM3, and they did end up choosing NM3, and I knew that it was gonna be an emotional rollercoaster from both teams since I've listened to Unravel before.
I was right, and honestly I will never forget this year's OWC. After watching US win for countless years in a row, I was waiting for an underdog team to change the game up. South Korea, you've genuinely outdone yourselves this year. Really great job, I'm so proud of you. (Not to downplay US, because they also delivered a great performance as well this year.) It's just weird that you can look at a screen with 8 players playing at the same time, and really FEEL their emotion behind their cursor by how they're shaking. Like man, I remember that diff-spike in Unravel with the star pattern that is clearly aids to hit even for an 8* difficulty. When I saw that byeok2044 hit it, I physically jumped in my chair, and he even shook like crazy at the kickslider, shocked and processing that he hit the pattern and trying to re-gain control of himself, knowing that SK is potentially (from their perspective as of that time) taking the win home because he hit the hard part. All of the players on the SK team were so nervous afterwards knowing they're potentially winning this year, struggling to hold combo, with Forum managing to hold until the end, absolutely shaking. When I knew SK had won, I was hyped up and celebrating.
I hopped onto Tuna's stream to see him celebrate, already emotional that the team I was rooting for won, and when he cried, I lost it. I cried with him too, I remember being embarrassed at that moment BECAUSE I cried, but tears genuinely came out of my eyes. It's so dumb, because I'm just the ten-thousandth viewer of the stream. I literally tried to do it in silence, because I didn't want my parents to ask me what's wrong over a fucking video game tournament, but a match like this genuinely hit me in the heart.
I understand the feeling of putting hours and hours of grind onto something, it's honestly tough, and to see it pay off is a special feeling. It is nothing less than heartwarming to be able relate with SK in their success.
With that said, osu! very clearly has a special place in my heart, and it feels satisfying watching players get rewarded for their grueling, hard work. Again, great job to all of you, South Korea. YOU DID IT.