[Battery Life] Oneplus 13 experiences and experiment, factory reset!

After reading some many threads about good and bad battery life on the OP13, decided to take it for a spin and do a quick experiment.

Controlled environment:

  • All the settings below plus the same apps and settings on both resets
  • Used both resets for 3 full days
  • Usage was 80% Wifi and 20% 5G
  • Usage on all 6 days I tried to do it almost exactly to the T on both ocassions on each day, basically if I would do 1 hour of youtube video on day 1, after the reset I would do 1 hour of youtube on day 1, etc
  • I posted a picture of my typical app usage just to get a sense of what I do, which is mostly youtube, reddit, chrome (I use some social media in here) ( I don't have any social media apps for this test) and a lot of background music, regular phone calls and messages.


  • Wifi, Data (USA 5G), Bluetooth (always on synced with GW7 watch) and location always on
    • Smart 5G: on
  • Connect and sharing
    • Quick connect: off
    • Print: off
  • AOD seamless turned on with power saving mode setting on
    • Using the "NEVER SETTLE" theme
  • Home screen and lock screen:
    • Recent tasks
      • Manage apps: all off
  • Display and Brightness
    • Dark theme
    • Brightness: Auto
    • Screen color mode: Vivid
    • Image sharpener and video color boost: off
    • Auto screen off: 30 secs
    • Resolution: Standard
    • Screen Refresh: Auto
  • Location services
    • Wifi and Bluetooth scanning: off
    • Location accuracy: on
  • Find my device with remote lock enabled
  • Trust agents: extend unlock off
  • Recommended services all off except AI on
  1. Screenshot one is doing a reset and restoring from a full backup
  2. Screenshot two is doing a completely factory reset and not transferring/restoring anything during setup, after setup, I did the following:
    • SMS and phone calls where backed up and restored with SMS Backup & Restore app
    • Contacts synced with Google and can be restored without restoring from a backup (just login with your google account and make sure backups are enabled under contacts)
    • Google photos is seprate from a a phone backup and auto backups. As long as you login to google it will resore all photos


  • I cannot explain why, but there was a huge differents in SOT and just general phone battery life and usage when starting from scratch during setup and restoring things manually as explained above. Screenshots talk for themeselves.
  • I did noticed an increase in battery in both ocassions by updating google play services, I read this here:
  • You will notice approx 3 hour of standby difference in between the first and second picture, the only reason I did not wait is it was pretty late for me and I just took the screenshot and went to sleep and not sure if it would have survived the night with 2% but I'm pretty sure it would have hit 1% and easily the 4 hours needed of standby but the SOT discrepancy would still have been as huge.


  • Factory resetting and starting from scratch got me 3 1/2 hours more of SOT and I just felt like I could leave the phone with the screen off without much drainage at all compared to the one with the factory reset and restroing from a full backup

Let me know what you guys think, definitely interesting findings in my tests