My YouTube channel got Terminated
My YouTube channel got deleted for one spam two promoting scams and three deceptive practices now the kind of content that I uploaded to my channel has been on there for years and years and years and I haven't uploaded in a while but my channel got terminated and I can't appeal it without a URL and I can't get a URL so my channel is just permanently gone now this is only a theory and I don't want to say this is the reason but considering my YouTube content has been on there for years and it's never been a problem it's kind of interesting that my channel only just now got terminated right when I started leaving comments on videos saying that I don't support the president it's interesting to me
It's also interesting cuz I had another channel that I had created planning to upload stuff to and then just never did so there was never a single video uploaded onto it and I never changed anything on that channel but it also got terminated for the exact same thing it's just weird to me how without uploading a single video on that particular channel I could still manage to violate the community guidelines anyway now I'm convinced that my only other channel that I uploaded on is also going to get terminated and I'm going to have to start all over again