I don’t know what to do

The agreement between my parents and I was that I would finish up one semester. I got thru the first semester and went into psychosis and relapsed. The teachers were horrible and no matter how much I tried I couldn’t get any work done. I only passed one out of my 5 classes.
My mom gave me the idea of going into cosmetology because the only class I’d have to take are cosmetology based. I agreed. But now I don’t want to do it, I want to go back to working.
My sister only did one semester and she lives with us rent free. But now I feel like my mom’s going to charge me rent if I don’t go to school. I’m supposed to be looking up the school I’m supposed to go to but I can’t bring myself to do it. What if I relapse again, what if this school is worse, what if I go into another mental health break and actually end up hurting someone. I’m scared. Confused. And I’ve been getting high every night so that I can try and escape this feeling.