My head hurts with this guy
I have a friend who i have known for a very long time. We ate together had sleepovers, Travel to another state and also studied together for months to join a new college. But ever since we joined the new college i can't handle his attitude. He's aggressive, rude and hypocrite but he is still responsible, hardworking and reliable which are good traits but he gets aggressive when I can't understand anything or unable to do anything. He would use F- words on me in front of others or just call me names which pisses me off. He's considered a leader in my class and I'm not his level where i can make PPL follow me or look up to me like he does. All this just stresses me and makes me dought myself but when I'm angry at him i remember the good things he has down which just drives me nuts. I don't know what to do I'm a coward who can't confront anyone.