Looking for mod recommendations - getting back into Oblivion after 15+ years

Hey there, literally as per the title - played HEAPS of oblivion back in the day and even modded it a fair bit, but now looking at getting back into the game and looking for your go-to's & must-have's.

I am especially looking for stuff like Frostfall/Ashfall that adds in basic needs and potentially camping/survival-esque stuff, stuff like skyrim's Live Another Life/alternate start mods, mods that add in new weapons/armors/magic and potentially those into levelled lists so they are in the world. Would also love recommendations for a good backpack mod & maybe something that adds in extra bountyhunting/monsterhunting etc quests like the noticeboard mod from skyrim (not sure how well that would work without that radiant-quest set-up, but who knows?).

Thanks heaps to you guys in advance for any recommendations you have!