I'm so lost guys

Okay, I really dont know if this is the correct place to post, but im just so confused.

How do colleges work?? I'm going to be a senior in high school, and im trying to do research on what it takes to be a pediatric nurse, and like, what schools i should be applying to, but i feel like i just dont understand any of it. Do i need to have a BSN? How on earth do i get a BSN?

I was looking at U-M, thinking I would need to go to the regular school, take my prerequisite classes, and then apply to their nursing school (where i would get my BSN?), but it says that first years can just apply straight to the nursing school? Do most schools do it that way?

One more thing, how do I know if a schools nursing programs are good? any reccomendations (preferably in michigan)?

sorry if this isnt making any sense, or is just flat out stupid but im just freaking out a little bit because i feel like I have no time to do things, especially when im this clueless.

How did you guys get into nursing? like what steps exactly did you do? Any help is so so much appreciated