To the guy with the unleashed, untrained pitbull at Mount Major yesterday. "Really?"
I was finishing up my daily Mt Major hike with my 2 small dogs yesterday when this large pit bull mix came instantly charging at us. owner yelling "its ok ,hes fine".
The dog plowed through one of my legs but I stayed upright and tried to fend the dog off with some wacks of my hiking pole, but this pit was clearly in control of the situation. The guy somewhat casually came over and repeatedly attempted to control the dog who was chasing my horrified dogs in circles entangling my leashes.
After about 45 seconds of me trying to keep this dog off my pups, the guy repeatedly telling me not to stab it,(i did not stab it, but I was getting close to it) he finally got the dog by the collar. yelling at the pit that it needs training. Thank god this dog did not bite my 11 and 20-pound dogs, they would've died.
Unfortunately, I've fought with a "friendly" pit bull once before, I ended up in the ER. So I knew where this was heading.
Please keep your dangerous animals leashed. This is my 3rd encounter with this same type dog and irresponsible owners.
Ill probably get some pitbull lovers backlash over this. I love dogs. I know many folks will tell stories of their wonderful pits. Here is such story:
My daughter had 2 friendly pits. then one day when they got older and out of nowhere , they viciously attacked each other, like trying to kill each other. It only ended by my harsh intervention after one attcked me for trying to break it up. There is something in the breeding of these type dogs that makes a seemingly nice dog lose his freaking mind.
Please keep your dangerous animals leashed.