can't get mini.extras to extend mini.pick pickers

Hey everyone, I've been trying to setup mini.pick to give it a go as a telescope substitute, but I'm having some trouble getting the extra pickers from mini.extra to work

Here is my setup:

---@diagnostic disable: missing-fields
return {
    version = '*',
    dependencies = { { 'echasnovski/mini.extra', version = '*' } },
    config = function()
      local MiniPick = require 'mini.pick'
      local MiniExtra = require 'mini.extra'
      MiniExtra.setup {}

as you can see, nothing special, and from what I understand from the github readme that's all you need to setup extra pickers on mini.pick. however, for some reason I still only get the default mini.pick pickers on the Pick command:

I'm wondering if I'm missing something?