Need For Speed Unbound Volume 8: What happened Kaizen? What Happened?

Hot Pursuit Theme was literally just for a game mode. You were not lying about volume 8 being Hot Pursuit themed because only one mode and called it a day. If Cop Career is just this? No thanks, they should have delayed, but if it was all for one mode and just a cop garage (just lousy decorations in a garage) then why should I bother being excited in a parallel time where this update was delayed? What happened Kaizen? What happened?

If you really took the ESF from Rivals you should have known we would have loved to free roam as cops, but you didn’t even bother… Even Hot Pursuit 2010 (and Remastered) had free roam as a cop!

I just can’t believe this update is “hot pursuit themed” for one game mode…… One…. Why play this so called cop career if I am only going to play one mode over again, when we could have cops versus racers in free roam, interceptor game modes, even the Most Wanted game mode from Hot Pursuit.

On Discord there also was a feedback post that was called “Private Lobbies and Drivable Cop Cars Maybe??” It was heavily supported by a good fraction of the community there, ignored. Another one with much less upvotes but still very good discussion and suggestions for this update back then called “Some Ideas to Consider Ahead of Volume 8”…. INGORED.

You have to look at these feedback and suggestions ASAP because this update was a huge disappointment in just one hour and a half only for one game mode, cop cars, which we can’t even use in free roam to play as cops and go against racers in free roam, and a speedpass.