Reddit naming preferences that I find weird
I've spent a lot of time reading the posts on here and noticed some naming guidelines that seem baffling to me, yet everyone seems to follow. I'm sure not many will agree, I'm just putting it out here. Add yours, if you have one.
- Popular names are bad
Name seems to be most important while growing up, which is hard enough - all we really want is to fit in, not stand out with some super unique name that turns heads. I have a very unique name and I always longed to meet another person with my name. I didn't till I was 33 - a lonely world. I understand it's annoying to be one of the three Olivia's in class, but when I named my kids I purposely chose popular (yet classic) names. It's familiar, has no spelling variations and I'm sure they meet a fellow little boy or girl with the name - actually I hope they do asap.
- Matchy names are bad
This seems like a cardinal sin on reddit. I grew up in a family where all my uncles and ants chose matchy names for their kids. I have a matchy name with my sister. I always found it meaningful, it made sense, it felt like belonging. I never once thought it was imposing anything on us or making us less of individuals, as I always read on here. It actually bothers me my kids names don't really match, but that's ok too.
There, I better hide now.