Struggling with my partner starting HRT and the future of us
Hi there, Im a cis woman and im with my mtf partner. We have been dating a few months now, and i love her so much. We were best friends for a few years before our relationship and she realised she was trans about maybe a year ago now. That being said all of a sudden she just went to a clinic and magically got HRT, and the full reality of her transition hit me. Like I had absolutely no time to process anything, all of a sudden I was riddled with anxiety and riddled with fears and depression and also so much anger towards myself for what I felt and thought. I love her, I support her, I actively tell her everyday and I wouldn't change her for the world, especially how truly wonderful of a soul she is. However, it is taking a toll on me. It started with the fact that we may not be able to have kids due to her HRT, something that I want and something that might end up soul crushing for me in the future, and I am scared what I'd be like for that I don't ever wanna invalidate her or make her feel like crap for who she is, now adoption is of course always an option but I'd much rather have my own kids, a personal preference and for sentimental reasons and other personal reasons. It also feels like every bodily change is announced or talked about everyday, which I can imagine makes her feel amazing and gives her gender euphoria, however it makes me get frustrated because I guess I just wanna spend time with her and acknowledge who she is without acknowledging and talking about every single change her body goes through. There's also the fact that she has been saying about how she's been having mood swings and how she might end up having period symptoms or possibility to lactate, which must be again super comforting and super euphoric for her but for some reason it makes me feel like I won't be allowed to talk about any of the stuff I go through or compare anything because i dont want her to feel like less of a woman or get upset with me, I'm not sure if that makes me sound terrible but without a second thought I end up invalidating myself and then get angry and frustrated with my own thoughts and feelings because they feel wrong. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do? Or how to cope? I don't wanna be a terrible partner, I don't want to make her feel terrible or invalidate her gender or who she is etc.