psychic training device

Hi everyone,

I’m currently building a psychic training device based on a guide I found. The device uses a coil connected to an Arduino to generate a magnetic field for brain stimulation.

The instructions emphasize marking the left and right sides of the coil and ensuring that these are connected to the breadboard correctly. My understanding is that the direction of the current (and thus the magnetic field) is important because it might influence how the magnetic field interacts with the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Here’s my main question:

  • Does the current flow or "parent flow" from the right to the left hemisphere (or vice versa) matter for the device’s effectiveness?
  • If I accidentally place the coil backward on my head, can I simply flip it to ensure the magnetic field flows in the correct direction?

I think I’m on the right track, but I’d love to hear from anyone who has experience with building or using this type of device. Any tips, corrections, or insights would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your help!