It's okay to criticize Monster Hunter Wilds
Have you noticed the shit performance? Talk about it, call the game a piece of shit, and say Capcom can't optimize for shit. It's not like they've fucked it up twice already.
Are you disappointed by the roster? That's cool. It's literally less than base world and rise. That's valid. (This is not a spoiler; reviews are out, and people have made this known).
Don't like the new skill system? Understandable. A lot of people will probably agree with this.
But you know what you shouldn't do?
Fucking glaze Capcom so much you feel the need to shut down people's criticism. Let people rage about the fucking video game they spent their own fucking money on. It doesn't fit your "proper critique?" Fuck you. This is r/monsterhunterrage
Now before you say I'm raging about the Fandom, no, I'm not. I'm raging about Capcom. The fandom is full of brainless shit-flinging Neanderthals that fling shit when the adults tell them to. Be nice to them; they can't help it. They're understandably stupid. Fuck Capcom for creating this idiotic echo chamber where you can't criticize their games because they're too fucking lazy to release a complete game on Day 1. We know their "coMMunITy mANAgeRs" are pushing most of this shit.
I know expansions are coming. I know monsters are coming. I know the value is going to jump up exponentially. SO MAYBE NOT ASK FOR FUCKING $69 (USD) FOR A HALF FINISHED SACK OF SLOP WHERE THE FANBASE IS SPLIT ON IT. If you release a product in ANY other field and half the fanbase is split on it, it's a shit product. If you have less content while charging more, it's a shit product. If the fucking game can barely run without some fuckwit wannabe skynet AI making my screen look like your phone screen after you finished your business to your Alma videos but failed to wipe all of it up, IT'S A SHIT GAME. And you know those stupid ass MTXs are coming. "It's just cosmetic don't bu..." SHUT YOUR STUPID ASS UP. But somehow Capcom and their sharefuckers and fuckholders can get away with this shit again and again and again.
So TLDR; . Fuck you Capcom. Not for being the worst company in gaming. Not for releasing another buggy pile of shit. Fuck you for being yourself. That's all. Love you all, and enjoy (or don't) MH wilds on release <3.
Edit: Oh and we should absolutely make a counter for every time one of you mentions "doom posting", "whining", "bitching" or some other Pro-Capcom bullshit. I know it's you Capcom. I know you're sending your own fuckwits in here to confuse the conversation. How about you get some new fucking buzzwords Capcom and let me like/dislike the game in peace?
Edit 2: You guys notice how they're responding to being called "shills?" I didn't even use that word 😂.
Edit 3: u/extension-impossible SAID DON'T FORGET THE DRM. I AGREE, FUCK CAPCOM.
Edit 4: Okay guys. It's been fun, but I have to head off now! I'm happy to give so many of you a voice. Just know you're not alone. Many of us see the same issues you do. Be sure to follow up on your own posts, too. It's important we validate each other.
Take care, everyone!