The fall of Traditional Monarchy
Scholastic Historiography in a nutshell
The beginning of this fall is at the point where Western man in the "Renaissence" broke the ties with tradition through secular humanism, disowned all higher mystical symbols of authority and sovereignty, claimed for himself as an individual a vain and illusory freedom, became an atom instead of an integral part of the organic and hierarchical unity of a whole.
The atom, in the end, had to crash into the mass of the other atoms, of the other individuals, and sink into the realm of quantity, of mere numbers, of the materialized mass, having no other god than the absolute sovereign of the state (leviathan), developing also an economicist view of society [Homo Aeconomicus] which was the essence of the poisonous "Enlightenment" modernist philosophy.
And this process does not stop halfway. Without the French Revolution, liberalism and the bourgeois revolution, then constitutionalism and republican democracy would not have come about; without modern democracy, neither socialism nor demagogic nationalism would have come about; without the preparation set in motion by socialism, neither totalitarianism nor, finally, communism and fascism would have come about.
The fact that these forms are presented today as being in solidarity or in opposition should not prevent us from recognizing with an attentive eye that these forms are united, interlinked, mutually condition each other, and only express the different degrees of the same current, of the same subversion of the normal and legitimate social order. A philosphycal conflict between Teocentric Metaphysical Realism vs Antropocentric Inmanentist Nominalism
Thus, the great illusion of our time is to believe that democracy and liberalism are the antithesis of communism and have the power to counteract the tide of the lowest forces, of what in current jargon is called the "progressive" movement. This is an illusion: it is as if someone were to say that twilight is the antithesis of night, that the incipient stage of an evil is the antithesis of its acute and endemic form, that a diluted poison is the antithesis of that same poison in its pure and concentrated state.