Mormon culture
I was raised Mormon in Utah and went to BYU and every woman on this show is why I walked away from the church.
The LDS church overall is an amazing religion and anywhere outside of Utah the people are incredible and kind.
MORMON CULTURE is used to describe toxic people in the church that has nothing to do with the actual religion itself.
They do not care about actually practicing the religion with loving one another and not judging and service for each other.
They constantly compare who is the better Mormon and literally punish each other when they do something human (like drink or swear or not wearing by garments). They have nothing to talk about except when they’re tearing someone down. I just can’t imagine having the negative energy around me all day talking shit on others.
It was an exhausting community to be a part of and I actually felt worse going to church with these women. I never felt like I could be my true self. I felt like I needed the fake hair, the Botox, the hot Mormon husband, and the self righteousness. It’s ironic to say how much more close to God I feel and how free I am without having this toxic Mormon culture.