Laundry Detergent Situation

Ive been trying all these brands and unsure if I am doing my laundry correctly. This group has been so helpful for all my questions when Im looking in the search bar.

  • Heres what Ive tried so far: Molly suds (not super) is what I am currently using, Booda Organics, Ecos, Esembly (mainly I use this for cloth diapers only being that its so pricey), All free and clear, Branch Basics
  • What I want to try: Pronounce (it has enzymes added), attitude, biokleen powder that I found at my local winco, or just going back to Tide/All

My husband works in a prison and we always take extra precautions when he comes home. Im mainly using Molly suds and I add vinegar to it because of hard water. Ive been told vinegar and baking soda (since its mainly a baking soda detergent ive read from here?) dont mix well if I recall for cleaning and that I need something with Enzymes. One time my son got a really bad case of imeptigo and staph lessions so we had to immediately change our detergent for our own clothes to my sons detergent to avoid more problems. I have no issues with what the non toxic brand detergents do to my clothes such as making it dull or what not.

I guess my question is if molly suds and other non toxic brands that dont normally include the enzymes are doing its purpose when I do my washes for my husbands clothes to get all the filth off or maybe it might be best to switch back to Tide/All? Does adding enzymes to my molly suds deteregent effective as they say per your expereince and what are you using? I know that I can just seperate our clothes but just had these questions first before I result to that. Being that I am pregnant, I feel lazy to sperate our loads since we already have so many split up. Our clothes, my sons clothes, bedding, towels, etc... lol

Please no harsh comments, Im not great with science! Lol