Spanish 1916 feeding issue
I picked this Spanish beauty about 3 years ago for a good deal, it’s chambered in 308/7.62x51. After putting around 200-300 rounds through it I’ve ran into a few issues. Namely the rounds jamming up while trying to rack the bolt.
The first issue what I’m assuming is that the 308’s neck gets caught on the flat of the chamber and just gets stuck, while prob not the best practice I’ve found that if I’m just alittle more rough while racking the bolt it will usually force it in.
Second issue is that sometimes the spent round’s case gets stuck in the chamber. This could also be either a specific brand that’s loaded hot or a carbon build up as this doesn’t happen too often. I’m usually able to get it out either through using a cleaning rod or a pair of needle nose.
Third is that sometimes the round gets stuck if I’m racking the bolt TOO fast and i have to pry the round out of the space between the feed ramp and chamber. This one’s harder to explain but has happened a few times the in the last couple times I’ve shot it.
I’ve got the best pick of feed ramp and chamber as i can and just want to know if it looks about normal for a converted 1916. Love this gun and it’s honestly not a bad pick for the price.