Migraines from crying - advice?

Going through an extremely difficult breakup and crying constantly. Unfortunately crying gives me migraines.

I use rizatriptan and it's really effective. But I'm already on day 4 in a row of taking it and I think I'm supposed to limit it to 8 per month.

There's no end in sight for this crying, does anyone have advice for how I can get some sort of relief once I hit my limit of rizatriptan?

My migraines are pretty infrequent so i don't have a specialist or anything. Does anyone think this is worthy of calling my doctor and asking their advice / asking if they have an alternate med I can try?

UPDATE: Thank you all soooo much for all this great advice! Ive been crying all day today, and treating it by drinking Gatorade & putting a cold washcloth on my face anytime I cry. Not even an inkling of a migraine yet!