Should I take a gap year?

I currently have a 3.99 science and regular GPA. If I apply this cycle I’ll have around 2.3k research hours, 200 clinical hours, 50 shadowing hours, 75 non clinical, and I take my MCAT in April so that will also determine some of course. I have a third author paper that will be in review soon as well as 3 posters and three grants. My lab is pretty well-known and established, so publishing is extremely hard. If I take a gap year, I should have 2-3 pubs, 2.9k research hours pre-post bacc, 600 or so clinical hours and 100-ish shadowing hours. If I do take a gap year, I will also apply to some MD programs too because I will have a boost in my clinical hours. Just want some advice on what I should do. I’m very unsure.