What character needs more justice for their writing

Now I haven’t watched GOTG3 yet so I might be wrong but so far I feel like Drax has just been a punching bag for years. I can’t remember any significant solo wins that he had.

Lost thanos, got humiliated by ronin, tbh that’s all what I can think of which I know it’s pretty bad example but for a guy who’s called drax the destroyer it feels like he’s been taking Ls unless he’s in a team. I’m waiting that 1v1 that shows why he’s a dangerous guy but that’s hasn’t come yet.

For wasp I feel like she’s just underused. Especially in Quantamania were it feels she’s just there most of the time. Since it’s called ant man & the wasp I wish they would have close to equal screen time. Wasp feels the most “what do we do with this character” to me. Which sucks cuz it’s a different version but EMH wasp was great and wish we got something similar like that. Wasp surviving the snap and joining the avengers would’ve been sick since you she’s an OG member of the team. Thor and hulk at least has a future but for the wasp idk