Namor's Ult, a crisis of identity
Recently I started playing Namor and while I find him to be a really fun and well rounded character, there's one aspect that I think needs some re:work: his ult.
It's an ult that feels like it doesn't know if it wants to be a DPS ult or a CC ult. If it wants to be a DPS ult then it fails because it's far too slow it doesn't do a lot of damage so it's very easy to dodge and if you are hit by it, it doesn't do a lot of damage. If it wants to be a CC ult then it fails because the radius is very small and it slow, so you're able to very easily dodge it.
As it stands it seems like it's intended to be a bit of both, to fall somewhere in the middle, but it's balanced in a way that it makes it be kind of dookie on both aspects. Out of all the DPS characters I've played this one is one of the worst and most useless ults. I can't consistently hit other players with it and I consistently dodge it while playing against a Namor.
I feel like it either needs to be faster or the radius needs to be larger.