I Don't Think Support Players Are Carried
I wouldn't have thought this was a hot take, but I keep seeing people say that support players are carried because they don't have to engage in the meat and potatoes of a team fight in the same way as tanks and DPS do. That sitting back and healing is easier than landing your Wolverine launch or your timing your Magneto bubble or whatever.
But of all the roles I end up playing in comp, Support is in fact the most difficult to use to effectively win back a losing match due to poor team coordination.
When I'm on tank, I can engage in push and pull, I can peel, I can do all sorts of things to try and swing the odds back in our favour and help ofset another player performing poorly or a team arguing amongst itself.
When I'm DPS I can start flanking, start trying to get picks on the back line, start wearing down the oppressive wall that is stopping us or knocking us down so my team can have an advatage in the fight.
But when I'm on support, short of popping my ult as strategically as I can and PRAYING at least some of my team listens to the call out I give and pushes in, I'm kinda just stuck watching my team get themselves killed. And short of abandoning the role and hoping swapping to something weird might at least catch them off guard with a bad team comp, there's not a lot I can do to change the course of things.
TL;DR: Ranking with a support main can be tough. I don't think the role is as boosted as people think.