Losing in hero shooters feels worse than other shooters

I am in GM right now, and some of the losses in this game remind me why I stopped playing Overwatch. There are so many losses that arent due to skill, but someone just being dumb as fuck. Heres a few from just today.

  1. If youre diamond+, you know standard bans are hulk, wolverine, storm and maybe a random support. We load in, and a teammate says nothing and votes to ban hawkeye. The rest of the team votes normal bans, and the normal bans happen. The SECOND the ban phase is over, guy comes on his mic and says "they have a good hawkeye. Dont blame me when you get headshot." And they did. Their hawkeye starts server admin'ing the game and after two pushes my team is already fighting eachother and the game is over. Bro had a microphone, had information that would have changed the entire game, didnt use it, then blamed the team for not just blindly banning with him. Would we have won? Maybe not. But the whole game would have been different if dude had taken 2 seconds to say it.

  2. Enemy team running triple support groot. We have a squirrel girl screaming in his mic the entire match "someone get a final hit". Game ends, we lose. Squirrel ends 15-11 with 40000 damage and starts blaming everyone else. He obviously just blasted into groot the entire game and ignored supports, while screaming about how everyone else is trash.

  3. Guy locks Jeff and proceeds to go 0-8 within a few minutes of the game, refuses to switch, flanks and doesnt heal at all, doesnt say a word.

  4. Guy shows lord wolverine during bans. We dont ban wolv, but enemy team does. Guy very clearly states he cant play anything but wolv and proceeds to go 2-15 on spiderman. How did you get this rank playing a character that gets banned every game? This is a common occurrence where someone can only play one character, that character gets banned, and the person is worthless.

  5. One guy shows lord magneto and one guy shows lord strange during bans. First phase happens, and everyone votes hulk. But for some reason, magneto gets banned? Second phase happens, everyone votes hulk again. But for some reason, strange gets banned? So at this point, our team is fighting eachother already. We have a captain america who doesnt say a word and just jumps in and dies the whole game. I have no idea what happened, so I go back and watch the replay. The silent captain america who said NOTHING waited til 1 second on both ban phases, voted magento and strange, and got the 20% both times.

This is all from just today, and this is in GM. This just reminded me why I stopped playing overwatch and how stupid some people are on hero shooters. Losses like this arent a skill issue or one team being better like a normal shooter. These are just pure brain issues. If you think you'll eventually get to a high enough rank where you wont encounter dumb fucks, you are wrong. They are all the way up.