Success stories and advice long term TRT azoospermia
Hi there-
I had zero sperm after an SA in September. I have been on TRT for 8+ years, and when I google that it scares me a bit that my sperm may never come back.
My doctor upped my Clomid and gave me a few different sperm supplements, but I had azoospermia on my latest test last week so none of that worked (assuming because I'm still taking testosterone).
I have a urologist appointment late next month. What questions should My wife and I ask? And what is recommended? I have heard a lot of men have success with HCG and would like to get started on it but aren't sure what to do if a urologist doesn't recommend.
I am also concerned about my quality of life coming off TRT but will do whatever it takes to be fertile.
Any success stories and advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't wish this experience and uncertainty on anyone.