Raising Non Muslim Kids

My partner and I who are closet atheists are planning to have kids. My parents are muslims. I don’t want to raise my kids with any religion but I anticipate my parents will try to perform islamic rituals etc. on my kids. How do I tell them I don’t want any of that for my kids without rocking the boat?

I don’t live in Malaysia so this is not going to be an issue most of the time. However, I would like my kids to have a relationship with my parents so I’d like to take them to Malaysia every so often. I just don’t want them imposing Islam on my kids while we’re there.

If I do tell my parents, how do I protect my kids from potentially being kidnapped by “concerned” relatives and their meddling friends? Is the risk too great? Should I just forgo ever taking my kids to Malaysia?

EDIT: Thanks very much to those who responded with helpful thoughts and advice. Frankly, I was expecting a lot more hate so it’s been a happy surprise that I got so much understanding, particularly from those few muslims who showed their tolerance.

I’d like to add that I’m asking these questions in case others have gone through similar situations whether they are in my shoes or my parents’ shoes. I know Reddit strangers don’t know my family but without telling you my entire life story, there have been signs on my last visit to Malaysia that my dad in particular, will take issue with seeing his grandchildren not practising Islam.

I want to stress that in no way is this post about Islam and muslims being bad. This is a post about my particular circumstances and how I worry about some muslims in my life and the Malaysian authorities.

I am also not raising my kids as atheists. I am raising them with no religion and should questions regarding faith and things that can’t be proven like Jesus or Santa Claus come up, my answer will always be to guide them to critically think about things themselves.