MB2 White Border and Future Sight Number Crunch
Hey guys! I'm working on a number crunch sheet for MB2, based on posts here and whatever I could find on Twitter/X. Any suggestions are appreciated! Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19NRiGJsGRMx0BYy1CuVhYJQeHNtQasLRDbfHD5Tf3u0/edit?usp=sharing
A few things I noticed: first I assumed each sheet was 121 cards, based on a 11x11 sheet and because that was the number of test cards in MB1. I'm sort of right, but there are around 14 extra cards in the Future Sight sheet, so not sure what that's about. Also there seem to be some cards "out of order": for example Mardu Outrider in the White Border list is #001 while being a black card, and there's a bunch of cards that appear before Crackdown (first white card) in the Future Sight list. I'm sure we will know more later today after the WeeklyMTG stream.