Any low-carb bodybuilders/weightlifters? What are your macros? Your fat intake?
Hey all,
I'm curious about something. I've gotten back into weightlifting (stopped for a few years), and I'm trying to figure out what macros work for me.
I'm currently always ending my days eating approx 3300 kcals, with 200 grams of protein, 150-160 grams of fat and somewhere between 130 and 160 grams of carbs.
I'm trying to eat low carb (been keto a lot in the past), but now I find I'm naturally eating more carbs (from whole foods sources only). I'm trying to keep my carbs between a 100 and 130, but I just always end up eating a few carbs more. Because I try to keep my carbs somewhat lower, I notice I always end up having higher fat intake. I'm curious if other people have this as well?
Some days I'll even have 200 grams of fat intake. I feel fantastic, though, but I'm just curious about the amount of fat I'm getting in. After being keto for a long time in the past, I lost my fear of fat, but I'm still curious if these amounts of fat are o.k. when not being keto. I'm 6 foot 2, 88kg, pretty lean, lots of weight lifting and including cardio.
I'm curious what your macro's and kcal intake usually are and what your views are on the fat intake, when being a very active person.